Customer Service...100%
your boss came in and told you that you need to have higher customer service
percentages on
all the items in your warehouse....
What should you do:
A) panic

B) find a new job
C) run a HITS & customer service report
D) contact:
While I do love option D, I think it would be more prudent to do both C and
D at the same time.
Start by asking your boss what he or she means to them. Is this just another
edict that was passed down from the C suite to your desk because you are the
next logical downhill office to "save money"? Or is this a real issue? Who brought it to his or
her attention? Was this sales or management or are you just doing a bad job at
maintaining your inventory levels? This is all totally fixable, so relax.
First, don't panic or find a new
job, just go into your software and run a HITS report. Sort the report by your
top hit items. (Can't find this report, call your software people, they can help)
Second, still don't panic, run another
report: Customer Service Percentage report. This will run the customer service
on each item in your inventory and tell you what percentage of the time you are
able to fill a line on an order.
Example: I call in
and order 100 gizmos from you, you only have 99. You did not fulfill my order
100% did you? Nope. I only got 99. I need 100. So your customer service
rate.....not 100%, not 99% either. This is pass or fail, did you or didn't you fill my order?
Your software will calculate how many times you filled the order lines
completely for each item. NOW, sort that data so it matches the HITS report and
paste that baby on the last column of your HITS report.
Thirdly, check out those top hit
items. your "A" items so to speak. Are any of those items below 100%
customer service?
YES some are below 100%: Find out why. Fix it immediately,
these items should NEVER be out of stock.
NO, none are below 100%: Show this to your boss and
explain that the items the customer is voting to have in stock with their
wallets are in stock and performing well.
Finally, regardless of your
report and how it comes out, be sure to discuss what goals are important to
your company.
Short story to help you bring this
into context:
Recently I went uniform shopping for back to school, some of the uniform
sizes and styles were out of stock. A few other minor things like socks and
shoes were hit and miss but that wasn't my main focus. I needed uniforms. Due
to the fact that the store was out of stock, I ended up going to another store
and was pretty put off by the "huge sale" signs and emails that
didn't amount to anything more but a waste of my time.
Think like your customers, what items should be in stock and what is it ok
to be out of. Just like with me, it was ok to be out of stock of some things,
but not ok for the main purpose of my outing. Next year when I need uniforms
again, do you think I will brave that store again? Probably not. I will be
willing to pay more to know I can get what I need in one shot at another store.
Moral of the story:
* Make sure you have in stock what your customers want (check the HITS report).
* Make sure you stay on top of this report
EVERY MONTH so your boss
won't come back on that front…and also, your numbers will change here and
there, so be sure to not let anything slip past you.
DO NOT EVER think that you can
have 100% customer service on everything you sell, you do not have enough space
or money to stock like that. If your boss doesn’t believe you, then show him or
her what it would cost to have 100% customer service on every item.
option D, give me a call or email (
and I will help you look like a superstar!